Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Reading Notes: The Jataka Tales of India

From the Part B reading of the Jataka Tales i really enjoyed the story of The Wise and Foolish Merchant. I found it very interesting and it tells a good story about wisdom and trust. The foolish merchant wishes to make the journey first because he thinks it will best for him; he would get the first pick of food, water, and prices for his goods. The wise merchant allows him to go first because he knows that the foolish merchant will smooth his path and take all of the old food and water leaving only fresh food and water for him. I also enjoyed the story Why the Owl is not King of the Birds. i found it interesting that this story was so short and non-violent which is different than the other stories we have read involving kings. 

Bibliography: The Jataka Tales of India by Ellen C. Babbitt (Link)

Desert (Source)

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